Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Proper Way of Drinking Water

I learned this from Daddy. ^_^

When you drink water properly, the body functions properly.

Drink water:

1 glass = as you wake up in the morning to get organs working properly
= after taking a bath to lower (normalize) blood pressure
= before going to sleep para wala bangungot! hehe

2 glasses = 30 minutes before every meal for good digestion and proper bowel

Don't drink water:

after meals = its ok to drink water after meals but make sure you only drink up to 8oz

As much as possible, drink only lukewarm water. Cold water, nakakalaki ng tiyan and bad effects sa pag-digest ng food.

*** Be Grateful! ^_^

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mimi is PIKON


alavettt!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Another grateful episode with my Mimi bibi boo boo!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Respect should not be taken for granted

Respect is a huge thing. All the problems in the world are still problems because people take paying respect for granted. It is reality that every single life needs respect. Without respect, love won't have the same meaning.

People need to be respected. There are no exceptions. Others might say, That person doesn't deserve respect because he is disrespectful himself. That's wrong. Its like saying you are perfect. You know you are not. I mean, who do we kid?

Everyone needs and deserve respect.

Toying with people's emotions is disrespectful and thinking of getting away with it is utterly STUPID! You will never find true happiness with that kind of attitude my friend. Just because you got away with it once (or even many times) doesn't mean you will always get away with it. There will come a time when you need to pay for your disrespectful actions. If it is wrong, in one way or another, light or heavy, might affect you greatly or not, it will always backfire.

So while there is still time. Start respecting every single soul before you lose the most precious dream that you never really had. Don't wait till it's too late. It doesn't mean if its fun and it makes you feel good, its right. Fun is not equal to happiness. Happiness is a broader more respectful term. We are always granted of what we only deserve. If we've already done a lot of mistakes, the sad painful hard TRUTH is, we can only accept reality and the consequences and equivalence of all our actions.

From there, we must move on and care and be grateful for what we are blessed with.

A day with Mimi with TREES

This is Mimi. This is her after scratching my whole body look. Yup! She's nastei! I love her!!! ^_^

So, this morning I went to the chapel with my freaky friend Bianca. I went with Mimi and Mamu (we three are inseparable). As we got to the chapel at 6:15 in the morning. I kept searching and searching until Mamu shouted Kerla, hihihi, eto si Bianca oh, hihihi. Its surprising that I didn't recognize Bianx because she had her hair cut! What's more surprising is that she didn't cut it herself! Cool. So we waited for the mass, as we do we chatted cus we haven't seen each other for long. The mass went through with Mimi on my lap and when we're supposed to stand up i had to carry her with my arms.

After mass, we went to my place to get some carbs then we headed straight to neverland. Flying sessions!!!! Yey!!!!!

Anyway, Mimi got tooo excited she gave it all out. (pooppie puppy!)

I got to pay her charity back though.

Harr harr!

Another grateful episode. ^_^

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Laziness Justified


I keep on thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking. Ever since I've read Don Miguel Ruiz' book, I never stopped. I like what I am feeling. I never thought it was possible to have this kind of peace. I used to worry about this. I used to think I was crazy. But I'm not. I just got sooo used to living with lies that I find it weird to live with the truth and reasons.

I'm a huge fan of the truth. But back when I was younger, I always lied. I always lied because I was so damned lazy. Laziness was my middle name. My uncles used to tease me Karla T which means Karla TAMAD (lazy in Filipino). So yeah, I grew up knowing I was lazy, embracing it and living it. I was truly lazy. I thought it was a bad thing until two days ago.

I was not lazy for no reason. I was lazy because I am practical. I was lazy because not being lazy didn't make sense to me. Lazy felt good. Lazy was easy. Lazy was good for me. Lazy required little of my efforts. Lazy doesn't require any consistency that bores me. Lazy was the BOMB!

Then it hit me.

I had really good teachers in grade and high school. There are Mrs. Cojuangco, Ms. Aragon, Mrs. Sabado, Mrs. Jimenez, Mrs. Merza, Mrs. Dizon, Mr. Cerezo, Mr. Inocencio, Mr. Punye, etc. My college life was better! All my teachers were great! Ms. Lupisan is the Dean I never thought could exist. Dr. Mendoza made sure we were disciplined enough. Sir Dan gave us all the love. Sir Buen stood up for what he believed was best for us even though everybody hated him for that. Mr. Araneta inspired us to be whoever we want regardless of where we come from. Dr. Racho made fun of us as he opened our philosophical beings. Ms. Bina was too caring to see the bad in anyone. Ms. Jam and Ms. Afable were the coolest! Both Miriam College Alumni: Ms. Jam chose to give back the care and understanding that her teachers gave her back when she was still a happy-go-lucky student; Ms. Afable, on the other hand, shared her love and her experiences of success through hardwork. Mr. Yuviengco, the reason why I created my first blogger account, did his best to relate to our generation and shared his realizations with his co-teachers. Dr. Anonuevo, who was a Palanca awardee for a Filipino work though she taught English, really amazed me much. I feel proud that I got to be taught by these great teachers. Mr. Toledo, also a Palanca Award(s) recipient, though he made my nose bleed all the time, never failed to impress me of his artistry and depth. Ms. Adame, the professor who didn't seem to have a funny bone, ended up to be my first favorite teacher in Miriam. She fooled us by pretending to be a terror teacher. I'm too lazy to write all of them because I'm to excited to move on. Anyway, I hope nobody gets mad for not being mentioned. I may not include the names of my other teachers but I definitely remember all the wisdom that came from their sacred voices.

It was late elementary and high school that I realized I could be an achiever. Credits to all my teachers (Of course, my parents were my 1st teachers and life guides). It was in high school that I realized I needed to clean my acts. It was in high school that I really started proving something. I thought I was a real slow learner. I have a weak memory. I sucked at history. I was lazy to memorize all the things that I thought didn't really have use in my life. I used to regret not being and making the best out of the early chapters of my life. I used to look down on myself and compare myself to those who really do good, get high grades and medals, attention, things they want, etc. I used to think I was nothing but a lazy daisy. Someone to be condemned for eternity. But I never gave up. I knew there must be something out there.

Although it wasn't easy being different, I knew I was on the right path. My life was a great challenge. My dad was very strict. As in, OA strict! Like NBI strict. I never really understood why he was over. I didn't know what was allowed to do and what was not. So, I played safe. People say I was an obedient child. But they don't know anything.

I wasn't obedient at all. I would lie. I would do things behind my dad's back (thanks to mom's consents sometimes. we ganged up on him, me, my sibs, and mom. harr harr dad). I was just being practical. I never understood my dad's reasons. My parents taught me to always be safe than sorry. So I waited. I tried to understand him. I tried putting myself in his position. This way, I'd know why he acts the way he does and reasons the way he does then i thought probably things might make sense.

My dad is a great person. He's the most giving person I'd ever known. He's just really misunderstood. I used to really hate my dad. He was really irritating. He's personality just sucked. He was always always mad for no reasons. I would hear people talk behind his back. Talking behind daddy's back was the normal scenario anywhere I go. People hated him. People avoided him. But people depended on him.

What I like most about my dad is that he takes responsibility. My dad taught me discipline. Serious discipline and practicality. He gave me my first serious book by Og Mandino. My mom, on the other hand, taught me unconditional love and to live life fully. She taught me how to be lazy and be happy. I tell you. I don't know how my parents liked each other. They are COMPLETE opposites. (Which is a really great thing! I got to see two totally different perceptions of things.) Daddy was the typical egotistical man and mommy was the typical martyr mom. I am the love child.

Moving on!

There came this time i think it was in 2004 or something that they really got into a big fight. We were on our way to Tarlac for Christmas day and the two were fighting like animals inside the car with me and my siblings inside. Gosh the DRAMA! I couldn't believe what I saw! My parents fighting in front of US! Instinctively, I entered the scene, you know like in the movies (it was sooo coool!). I shouted at them like Will you please stop! I felt like the superhero of the world! But of course, parents' ego, they got mad at me and continued fighting until my brother Jio cried. That was a huge smack on my parents' faces. They didn't want us to see that. Of course no one could blame them for being really mad at each other. They didn't talk things out with each other. My dad was the typical I will shut up so I pass the fight scene type and my mom was the typical I will say what I feel because I'm a woman type. So yeah. They had great communication. They hid nothing from each other. They argued with each other when needed and they didn't talk on each other's backs. The last three sentences are all lies.

This is just one drama you can witness in the family. If not for these kinds of dramas, I wouldn't be the person that I am now.

So I was lazy because of the drama? Ok, I'm lost. Anyway, the point is we all have dramas in life. I chose to fight! Dramas are challenges to be taken. I was physically lazy but my mind was not. All of us have lazy monsters inside us. Whispering, always. Others are lazy to act, others to think. While others are just lazy all over.

Laziness roots from somewhere deep. Laziness is not bad. Its actually a sign. An alarm. It signals us that something is wrong. I was lazy because things didn't make sense. I was lazy because I thought life was nothing but a series of tiring nothingness. When things finally made sense to me, I dropped the lazy attitude. It wasn't easy I tell you. Throughout high school and college I envied those who do and accomplish things without efforts. I thought I was such a LOSER because everything was sooooo hard for me.

I was a person of really bad habits. I was sooo lazy that I didn't have good eating habits, sleeping habits, taking a bath habits, not picking your nose habits stuff like that. It was sick! I couldn't even read for 30 minutes because I got used to staring blankly on books pretending to read so my parents won't get mad. I had to stay on watch of myself as i studied and read in college because whenever I let my guard down I ended up daydreaming and spacing out. Sheesh! Sucks for me.

So yeah. You parents and teachers! Don't be hard on your lazy children and students! They must be lazy for a reason. They are lazy because, maybe, something is not right. Things don't make sense to them. So let things make sense to them. Children do think. They have minds as (or maybe even more) powerful as yours. Explain things to them. They will understand.

Mimi understands me. Mimi is a dog, a 5 month old dog. If a dog can understand, how much more a human. Don't underestimate them because of their age. You don't know any better. You were a child once. You should know. Age shouldn't matter. I tried to understand so now I am understood. Now, my relationships are priceless.

Keep searching for answers yourself. Keep your ears open. If you're not happy, something should be wrong. If it doesn't feel right, something really isn't right. You should be happy. Happiness is the right thing.

Respect every life. If things don't work the way you want them to, then you should change the way you act and think. Stop doing things that have many times been proven wrong. Its by changing that we realize changes.

I'm just so grateful that things make sense to me now. I hope the same for everyone else.

Think about it. As you do, remember to start with GRATITUDE. ^_^

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I don't need a man

I don't need a man to make it all happen.

We don't need anyone. We don't need anything. We already have it all. God have already provided. We just need to be grateful.

Who and where in the world did the thought that we need any more come from? All our lives we've been lied to! I'm sick of these lies. I really am! I had severe asthma attacks and heavy coughs because of these lies. WE DON'T NEED NOTHING!!! We don't even need GOD because he is already here he has already provided.

We really need nothing anymore. Why did we think we needed man? We can't even set things straight with ourselves. We can't even understand ourselves. We can't even support ourselves fully. We can't even beat our own simple simple little problems. Parents think they need money. Children think they need toys. Girls think they need boys. Boys think they need power. Powerful politicians think they need votes. Voters think they need leaders. Citizens think they need the government. ETC. ETC. We think we need all these when we really need to just be plain, sincerely, and absolutely grateful.

We must understand that there is a huge difference between a "need" and a "want". I don't need men. I just want men. See the difference? Really BIG. When I say I need men, I'm actually saying I can't live without men when in reality you are alive, as hard as bones alive. On the other hand, when I say I want men, I'm actually saying I can live without men but I want to be with men. Really different.

We should stop thinking that we need anything. We don't. We already have them. We just have to acknowledge and be thankful. Let us stop wasting time thinking about what we don't have yet. We can have anything that we want to have so long as we be truly GRATEFUL first.

Let me ask you. Just how do you think can God give us what we cannot even handle yet? We can't even take care of what we already have and then we are asking for more. Aren't we being unfair? God knows what he is doing. We just need to keep the faith and be forever GRATEFUL.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Least We Could Do Now

This has been a catastrophic start of October for us Filipinos. Typhoon Ondoy has definately made its mark to the hearts of the Filipinos. It targeted the majority of Metro Manila washing away many lives. While people were still suffering from Ondoy, typhoon Pepeng already entered the country. Houses has been rampaged, cars were ruined, properties dumped, business transactions were interrupted, schools closed, many have lost material possessions because of the typhoon. Hundreds have lost their lives in their struggle for survival. What's even more painful is that a lot have lost their lives saving other people's lives. Mother nature sure was harsh these past few weeks.

Why is this happening to us? What do we do now? How are we going to start over again? When do we get back what we've already lost? Who should be responsible for all these?

These things don't just happen. Events happen for a reason (well, i believe, not for the reason people talk about on Facebook and Twitter). Maybe this is a wake up call. This is a call for us to realize that everything here is just temporary. We must bear in mind that our possessions won't last forever, same with our lives (and we are all aware of this, right?). We are all well aware that we will all eventually lose everything and die.

I know this idea had been stressed a thousand times before because, apparently, we don't seem to live by it because we don't seem to understand what it means to live by it:

The least we could do now is to be truly GRATEFUL.

To be truly grateful is:
* to accept that everything is not truly ours but God's
* to be truly thankful and appreciative of all the temporary possessions lent to us
* to truly care for all that we temporarily own
* to love all that has been shared with us
* to acknowledge God's love

We all have one God. The world may be comprised of different religions and cultures, but I truly believe that we all worship the same God. Now, its the same God who loves us that blesses us with what He thinks we need. He challenges us to seek for wisdom and courage so we'd be able to understand what he truly wants for us. If only we recognize how much we have and h0w blessed we already are to be granted this chance: this chance of a life.

Rick Warren believes, as he wrote in his book, The Purpose Driven Life, that life is three things: Life is a test, a trust, and a temporary assignment:

Life is a TEST. We should be grateful for the challenges. If we believe that all pains, hardships, and sufferings are just tests, we will never complain about life and the unpredictable. We are constantly being tested to be better, stronger persons; like pencils needed to be constantly sharpened to be used (by God).

Life is a TRUST. We should be grateful for the faith God has in us. We won't be granted with life if God does not trust we could pull it off. We have been entrusted with this temporary life to make great things for Him and so it is just that we take the best care we could give it and everything that comes with it. We are now being called to take care of the gifts we might have taken for granted: for nature and all its life-giving resources, for our fellowmen, their lives, and their same importance.

Life is a TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT. I have been talking about the non-permanence of everything and our existence here on earth. I hope we recognize that this life of ours is a temporary assignment: one that has been assigned for a great purpose, one that has been for His Glory. We are all missionaries. We should be grateful that we are all instruments for the fulfillment of His dreams for all of us.

The very least we could do now is to be truly grateful for all there is. We must be grateful for all that is left of us. We must be grateful for the tiniest possession that we have. We must be grateful that our country is united in pursuit of the nation's well-being. We must be grateful that many even bother to care. We must be grateful for the time efforts of other people to make our lives be even more meaningful. We must be grateful that we are able to be of help to others in need. We must be grateful for the littlest things we could do and share.

I have blogged about how I've experienced and realized how gratitude really works in bad times. Now is our chance to experience what gratitude can give us. Let us take this chance of a lifetime to be ever grateful. ^_^

Guide to Personal Freedom

Just yesterday, I noticed my friend Kristine's book on the table. She left her book at our place weeks ago. That girl. Maybe she didn't know where she'd forgotten it that's why she's not asking any of us about it or maybe she left it on purpose for me to read. Haha! She's so cute. (I love 'ya sista'!) I purposely didn't text her to remind her to pick it up because I thought the book was interesting and I wanted to read it (How mean. I know. She's probably going crazy looking for it. Well, I'm planning to return it to her tonight. M a text her after this blog. Promise. Nyahaha!). Whatever her reason is for leaving the book at my place, I'm sooo grateful that she did. It was providential. Thank you very very very much Kristine!

Anyway, the book is entitled, "The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom" written by Don Miguel Ruiz. Here, the author shares his wisdom on how to set one's self free, letting the person realize a beautiful way to live life. Don Ruiz believes that everything we believe in is an agreement and that a great majority of these agreements have been keeping us from living life to the fullest. Even Let me share you some insights:

The Four Agreements are:

1. Be impeccable with your word. This agreement tells us to speak only of truth and love avoiding the use of word to speak against yourself or other people. The truth is the only way. We must always side with the truth because nothing can argue with the truth. Your level of truthfulness determines your level of success. All the other agreements stem from this agreement.

2. Don't take anything personally. The 2nd agreement stresses that the world does not revolve around you. What people say or do is a projection of their own reality/dream that's why you should never take anything personally. Don Ruiz says, "When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering."

3. Don't make assumptions. This agreement tells us to always seek for the truth rather than to create what we want to believe to be the truth. Misunderstandings, dilemmas, and most problems arise from mis-communications and false expectations.

4. Always do your best. This last agreement tells us to always do our best in whatever circumstance we're at. By doing our best all the time, we make every other agreement a habit. It also teaches us to be forgiving of ourselves and to just do the best we can (no more no less) to be truly happy.

If I were you, I'd just read the book if I still haven't and be ever


Sunday, August 30, 2009

People I wish to meet

My Olongapo holdiday getaway has never been better. This is my last day of "homiee rest" because I'm leaving for Manila this afternoon. Happy happy happy has been the theme of my day. I immediately went on to my morning habit of grabbing a glass of warm water, to get my internal organs ready for my ecstatic day, as I woke up at around 9am. Then I played a little with Mimi and Momo (our 3month old shih apso puppies). I rushed to the living room to find out my brother, Juancho, watching the repeat of "Happy Feet" on Cartoon Network. The movie got my happy cells pumping and jumping (haha! if those are appropriate terms to use).

After Happy Feet, I ran to the computer and started playing my favorite karaokes on youtube. I've been singing Utada Hikaru's songs the whole morning because they are sooo beautiful. Then I thought, I want to meet her in person! Not only that, I wish to sing with her and sing her beautiful compositions. I'm not a JPop person and I only know two Utada Hikaru songs: First Love and Flavor of Life. I'd been singing these two songs the whole weekend! I'm soooo in love with these songs. I googled the original lyrics and the English versions. I enjoyed the English version of First Love but, sadly, I couldn't find a good English version for Flavor of Life.

Anyway, as I thought of wanting to meet this amazing Japanese singer-song-writer-musical-arranger, I realized, "Hey! I can write a blog about this!" Besides, its not just her, I realized how many great people I wish to really meet! A lot have inspired (and alienated ^_^) me and I'd like to thank them personally for what they've done to me, for bringing the freak out of me, for letting me be this grateful geek that I am now. Unfortunately, I won't be able to meet Michael Jackson. But I can still thank his family and his mom for the inspiration of the person that he was. Anyhow, below is the list of great persons who have touched and infuenced my being, those I truly admire, those I want to know better, those I wish to work with someday, and those I simply want to meet, greet, and look at. These are random names that come out of my brain and there's no certain order:

People I Wish To Meet:

Beyonce Knowles
Christina Aguilera
Whitney Houston
Celine Dion
David Foster
Lea Salonga
Kitchie Nadal
Justin Timberlake
Simon Cowell
Utada Hikaru
Gong Yoo
Lee Kuan Yew
Barack Obama
Bill Gates
Warren Buffett
Rhonda Byrne
Ruth Drayer
Oprah Winfrey
Tyra Banks
Gary Valenciano
Chris Tiu
Dingdong Dantes
Richard Gutierrez
Piolo Pascual
Angel Locsin
Judy Ann Santos
Stephenie Meyer
Robert Pattinson
AJ Rafael
Gabe Bondoc
Jack Canfield
Francis Kong
Manny Pangilinan
Happy Slip
Eugene Domingo
Jenica Garcia
Jean Garcia
Marian Rivera
Tom Welling
Angelina Jolie
Brad Pitt
Cameron Diaz
Drew Barrymore
Lucy Liu
Adam Sandler
Angelu de Leon
Rhian Ramos
Pia Guanio
Vic Sotto
Joey de Leon
Julia Clarete
Alan K.
Chiz Escudero
Noynoy Aquino
Billy Crawford
David Stoop
Rick Warren
Joyce Bernal
Topel Lee
Mother Lily
Arnold Clavio
Lucy Torres-Gomez
Vicky Belo
Regine Velasquez
Ogie Alcasid
Janno Gibbs
Lani Misalucha
Pops Fernandez
Aiza Seguerra
Buboy Ramirez
Mo Twister
Grace Lee
Eri Neeman
Sarah Geronimo
Kris Aquino
Boy Abunda
Jay R
Lady Gaga
Miley Cyrus
Lucas Grabeel
Zac Efron
Vaness Ann Hudgens
Ashley Tisdale
Jason Mraz
Colbie Caillat
Hayley Williams of Paramore
Tom Hanks
Jim Carey
Eddie Murphy
Jessica Alba
Jennifer Garner
Ben Affleck
Jennifer Lopez
Janet Jackson
Celine Dion
Kobe Bryant
Steve Nash
Michael Jordan
LeBron James
Shaquille O'Neal
Manny Pacquiao
Benjie Paras
Sean Covey
Don Miguel Ruiz

A girl can dream right? Hehe. This is still incomplete. I got too excited to list everyone that I just couldn't recall everybody else at the moment. I'll keep adding more names. ^_^

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Following plans

I hate it when people make plans and then don't make sure to go with it. Its like making promises only to break it. That sucks you know! But I don't blame people. I am guilty of this crime myself. I'm also human and I can't be perfect even as I try so hard to. The point is to give value to things that are important.

When we make plans with other people, we should remember that they give and make time and efforts for that. Wait. Let me rephrase that. When we plan something we must acknowledge that precious resources are at stake. Time and efforts, I believe, are two (if not the most) important resources. In business, we study and make our lives out of planning. But for most people, planning is a total waste of time. Well, as a business graduate, I don't agree that it is a waste of time. Planning is only a waste of time when it is planned not to be followed.

That is why in business, planning always comes first. Without (strategic) planning, businesses wouldn't be as beneficial to economies as they are now. Top wealthy corporations plan their strategies and operations carefully and follow them earnestly to achieve their successes. Not only businesses, following plans is applicable to practically anywhere and anything. The moment we wake up in the morning, we plan how to go about the whole day, from what clothes to wear for work or school to the clothes we wear to sleep, effortlessly only because we are used to it everyday. Planning, we are able to go through a wholeday. Imagine if our government agencies plan everything they do properly and actually follow it, our country would be very much of a first world country! A lot of our resources are wasted because our government officials (well, most of them) don't apply proper strategic planning in their way of living!

Indeed, planning, and actually following the plans that we make, is very vital in our very well planned lives!

May we all be grateful. ^_^

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Gratitude in bad times

"It's not easy being grateful all the time. But it's when you feel least thankful that you are the most in need of what gratitude can give you."
- Oprah

This beautiful quote was sent to me via text message by my friend, Kristine Pantig. Thanks Kristine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

I remembered my year's dramatic times the moment after I read the text message. Those were the times when I lost my faith. Those were times when I didn't look at the blessings I had. Those were the times I felt so ungrateful. Those were the times I felt like my life wasn't worth living. Those times were when I felt like everything was just so imperfect. People were selfish and I never wanted to trust anyone including myself. I'd been failing myself. I felt like I was stuck in the middle of nothing and I actually considered giving it all up. I lost myself and I couldn't believe I'd experience what I went through. Things were perfect before until I started letting myself down.

Despite all my neglects and doubts, I just couldn't believe how good things still happen to me. Good, amazing people still stayed, loved, and took care of me. My siblings and the people whom I might have inspired before the "great loss" (well, this is how i want to call those down times =p) still respected and looked up to me. The talents He lent me were still there and they'd just be very useful whenever I needed them. That's when I realized (with the help of all the people around me, all the circumstances, and all the self-help books I forced myself upon) how blessed I am. I stopped believing in Him yet he never stopped believing in me. He never abandoned me. He made me realize how meaningful this life could be, the moment I acknowledged all the good he'd still left me with.

As I appreciated everything I was blessed with, I learned how to truly live my life. (The books You Are What You Think by Dr. David A. Stoop and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne were of really great help in making me have this great cognizance.)

The moment I started being grateful, everything turned just right. I learned how to be forgiving of myself for my shortcomings as I acknowledged my being human and understood that it was ok to make mistakes evry now and then. Instead of looking at my imperfections and what I couldn't do I just keep trying and trying to be my best everyday. Facing all the challenges, I give cheers to myself everytime I succeed or learn something and I give myself a reinforcing taunt whenever I fail or couldn't make things work. People are nicer and easier to tolerate. Suddenly, things aren't so upsetting after all. I became really contented with everything else. I feel in control and stable as I am able to convert reacting to acting and just being grateful. All at once, my dreams are just in the palm of my hands. ^_^

My usual tendency after having a great realization is being greatly overwhelmed with it. Learning how to live with gratitude had a huge impact on me. I wrote on a Gratitude Notebook. Everyday I would write all of the things I could be grateful for, even the littlest of the little things like how nice the clouds looked like in the morning and how tiny and cute my toe nails looked like. For days I religiously wrote on that notebook until I didn't need to write anymore to feel good and grateful every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Now, everyday is like a party, with myself always ecstatic, as if high on drugs. hahahaha! ^_^

As I've been living in total gratitude for almost 2 months now, I saw that gratitude is very much helpful in times when I feel the least grateful. Its in bad times when gratitude is in much greater intensity. ^_^

May everyone be hit by the gratitude virus for an everyday life of parteiii and great times!!! ^_^


Thank you! ^_^

Monday, August 3, 2009

President Aquino's passing, a reminder

Filipinos are natural lovers. We easily fall for people we admire, be it a friend, a lover, an admirer, an actor, a musician, or a politician. Furthermore, when we fall in love, we give it all, we attach ourselves too much so when our loved ones pass, we feel like passing out as well in disbelief.

This is very evident now with the late President Cory Aquino's death. Many have expressed their griefs for her death. I heard a man on the news saying he'd be better off hit by a bus rather than suffer the grief he experiences now. Thousands have lined up just to get a glimpse of her remains as the Philippines follow news updates on her wake and burial.

I understand. The late president had touched our lives. In one way or another, she had made us feel special. Her loss is being commemorated now because, one cannot deny, her contributions to our country are exceptional. She demonstrated how a woman could be.

She has uplifted the spirits of women in the world by choosing to serve her country, emerging as the first female President of the Philippines, bringing honor to Filipinos. She has loved the country so greatly as she had demonstrated and the country loves her in return. She has been the icon of the Philippines' historical peaceful revolution. She has been an instrument for our country's democracy.

A house-wife-turned-President-of-a-country, the people are also aware of how she was as a mother to her children, how she took care of them and raised them with great love and understanding. In addition, devout Christians look up to her exceptional religious piety.

With all of the person she is, President Aquino is indeed a national icon and can, without a doubt, be considered a national hero. But who is Cory Aquino? We all know that she is but a human being who is also very imperfect just like everyone else. Not everyone liked her. But we love Cory Aquino. Who hadn't been touched by her? Haters maybe. Just maybe. In fact, even her political enemies have been touched by her. Let's face it, every single Filipino has been strained by the event, whether heavily or not. It's all over the news. The country mourns for her death. But what is this really all about? We get it. The Filipinos are now mourning because we have lost one great Filipino soul: an ordinary human being turned great because she made a conscious effort. Surely, we have shown our condolences to her family and they are overwhelmed, thankful, now. But does that end there? I believe not.

I regard this happening as a very important reminder: A memorandum of the "essence" of the
People Power Revolution and the example that President Cory had lived. It is the very reason why broadcasters keep on flashing and exhibiting clips of the late president and the tumult. It is for us to reminisce the unity that our country once had in that moment on the streets.

The memories are being exclaimed so we could ponder on the outcome of that one peaceful fight and the life lived by that brave soul who stood among and for the people.

For once, we have proven how a people, united, can counter a condition that's unwanted. As a people, we were able to bring democracy back. Now, we enjoy the fruits of it all. We have been testimonies of how unity brought peace and how peace brought unity. It was a conscious effort from all those who stood there. A conscious effort. President Cory lead, but everyone did his/her part, took responsibility, shared him/herself, to realize the objective. This is what it took to get the country out of the cage. This is what it takes to get the country to where it wants to go: Having that conscious effort from each Filipino.

We are off to another election a few months from now. Will we vote? Will we choose the right leaders? Will we take part? By taking part, we are not just voting and choosing the right people. By taking part, we as people of the country, share each of our conscious efforts. By taking part, we are starting with ourselves, could be by altering every single unpleasant habit. Its our call.

I am hoping now that the L-hand-sign (Laban sign or whatever you may call it), made popular by the late president, would serve as a wake-up call in giving conscious efforts each and everyday in uplifting each of our lives. Whenever we see a yellow ribbon, may we, not pass out in sadness but instead, be reminded of the great love President Aquino had lived through and that our love for her would inspire us to be instruments of change and move us to comprehend how great of a nation we could be as we work for our dreams to be brought about by love, peace, unity, and prayers.

We must be grateful. ^_^

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Something worth sharing

I haven't blogged for like ages. I have to admit, I'm not really that of a writer. I'm not fond of expressing myself through words plus, I believed, I didn't know how to write well. I used to hate books, I never was a fan of school, and I thought these were stuff I'd never be able to love. Reading before was a heavy chore and I hated chores as a child. I was dead lazy, lazier than you can ever imagine. I procrastinated, I still do.

Growing up, I realized how important it is to be able to write and share and express your thoughts and feelings to the world. Not only because it makes you a better person as you get to reflect and talk to yourself and improve your grammatical skills and vocabulary but also because the world might someday benefit from your opinions.

Knowing that we all have a distinct purpose, it is very safe to say that we all have something to share. We are all creations of God. Each and everyone is blessed with unique talents. Everyone deserves to be treasured, to be loved. We all have a place in this universe. God loves us and he wants all of us to be loved. That is why, I now strongly believe that, everyone deserves to be heard. All of us have something to contribute to this world of wonder.

We start with God, by loving and believing in him, apprehending his being and his desires for all of us. Then everything else proceeds naturaly: Loving ourselves, being able to be self-sustained and contented, believing in our own capabilities, taking care of every inch of your body, and loving everyone and everything else, trusting and having good faith, recognizing that we are all the same and that everybody needs to be loved as God has willed.

With this in mind, we are all expected of nothing than to be ever grateful of a beautiful life, one that has been begotten of great love, and share the best of ourselves each day we are blessed with life.