Sunday, October 25, 2009

A day with Mimi with TREES

This is Mimi. This is her after scratching my whole body look. Yup! She's nastei! I love her!!! ^_^

So, this morning I went to the chapel with my freaky friend Bianca. I went with Mimi and Mamu (we three are inseparable). As we got to the chapel at 6:15 in the morning. I kept searching and searching until Mamu shouted Kerla, hihihi, eto si Bianca oh, hihihi. Its surprising that I didn't recognize Bianx because she had her hair cut! What's more surprising is that she didn't cut it herself! Cool. So we waited for the mass, as we do we chatted cus we haven't seen each other for long. The mass went through with Mimi on my lap and when we're supposed to stand up i had to carry her with my arms.

After mass, we went to my place to get some carbs then we headed straight to neverland. Flying sessions!!!! Yey!!!!!

Anyway, Mimi got tooo excited she gave it all out. (pooppie puppy!)

I got to pay her charity back though.

Harr harr!

Another grateful episode. ^_^

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